Lewes Home Brew - Brew 4

Brew number 4 - Best Bitter - 4%

https://web.brewfather.app/share/LEgmzZ6bntoaBW is the reciple which is a challenge from https://leweshomebrew.club/ home brew club. We all have the same ingredients and recipe, then get together and taste test to see how our brews differ.

https://groups.io/g/leweshomebrew/topic/85843809#120 discussion on the brews happen on this mailing list.


I’m using Brew in a Bag:


I started with about 28 litres of water (Strike Water)

Strike Temperature (ie before grains) 72C

Mash Temp 66C (had to let it cool for a few minutes as was just under 68 when I measured)

1 hour in the mash.


Using a tree swing to help gert the rest of the wort out.


25g Boadicea at 60min, 15mins then the rest at flameout.

Leave to cool overnight

  • Outside temp at 0935 is: 12.4
  • Wort temp is: 20.6
  • OG is: 1040
  • Final amount: 24litres. Was aiming for 23litres


Pitched yeast at 0950 on Tue 26th Oct.

2.5 weeks until transferred to pressure keg.

Learned not to fill a full keg with CO2. I messed up with the wrong top so can no naturally produced CO2 in my keg.

The keg visibly expanded when I put the CO2 cannister in it!

Drinking some of it then pressurising is good.

Beer is tasting good.

Avatar photo Dave is a home brewer! TwitterTweet
