Bought this for fun to see what it is like and to demo to the CASK Beer event.
ABV Approx: 4.9%
Bitterness: 4/5
IBU: 40-50
Colour: Black
Makes: 23 L
Yeast: M42 New World Strong Ale
Dry Hops: Galena
I find some kits to be quite thin, so I’m going to make 19l instead of 23l
1056 sg
1st Feb it was still at 1032, and bubbling away slowly. Temps have been colder than I would like. From 19 to 13 degrees, hence slow fermentation.
Dry hop once gets to around 1020
9th Feb it is 1016, so dry hop
26th March put into a keg and force carbed at 30psi for a few hours (rolled around too). Very drinkable beer!
By end of April this had ended up spoiling and was undrinkable. Perhaps due to incorrect flushing of CO2 ie not enough had caused oxygenation.